周一帆,教授,博导/硕导,担任中国“双法”研究会工业工程分会常务理事,中国运筹学会可靠性分会理事,中国创造学会理事。担任IEEE PHM国际会议Arrangement Chair和多个国际会议Session chair。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目两项,国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,教育部博士点基金一项,江苏省重点实验室开放基金两项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金2项。发表论文SCI/EI检索论文40余篇,其中包括以第一作者/通讯作者在《Reliability Engineering and System Safety》,《Computers&Industrial Engineering》等期刊发表SCI论文16篇,其中JCR一区期刊论文12篇。
2010年5月至2015年4月 开云手机在线登陆入口 讲师
2015年4月至2022年4月 开云手机在线登陆入口 副教授
2022年4月至今 开云手机在线登陆入口 教授
应用统计学 |
可靠性工程 |
机器人工程 |
程序设计及算法语言II |
计算机综合课程设计 |
创造学与创造力开发训练 |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety;
Computers & Industrial Engineering;
European Journal of Operational Research;
Journal of the Operational Research Society;
Journal of Risk and Reliability.
IEEE PHM国际会议Arrangement Chair.
2013 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering(国际会议):program committee, session chair
2014 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (国际会议):program committee
国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学与工程学科2013年度青年基金项目研究工作交流会:session chair
“泰山学术论坛—中国制造2025,从机械装备监控、维护到工程资产管理创新思维专题”:keynote speaker
2016 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering(国际会议):program committee, session chair
2019 “我最喜爱的导师”评选活动中被评为“十佳导师”
Journal papers:
[1]ZhouY, Liu L, Li H.(2022)"Reliability estimation and optimisation of multistate flow networks using a conditional Monte Carlo method." Reliability Engineering &System Safety.2022;221.(SCI)
[2]Zhou Y, Li B, Lin TR.(2022) "Maintenance optimisation of multi component systems using hierarchical coordinated reinforcement learning. " ReliabilityEngineering & System Safety. 2022;217. (SCI)
[3]Zhou Y, Miao J, Yan B, Zhang Z.(2021)"Stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem with time varying weather conditions and an improved estimation of distribution algorithm."Computers& Industrial Engineering. 2021;157.(SCI)
[4]Zhou Y., Miao J., et al. (2020)"Bio-objective long-term maintenance scheduling for wind turbines in multiple wind farms." Renewable Energy. 160.(SCI)
[5]Zhou Y., Yuan C, Lin TR, et al.(2020) "Maintenance policy structure investigation and optimisation of a complex production system with intermediate buffers." Journal of Risk and Reliability.2020:458.(SCI)
[6]Zhou Y., Guo Y., et al. (2018)"Maintenance optimisation of a series production system with intermediate buffers using a multi-agent FMDP". Reliability Engineering & SystemSafety. 180:39-48.(SCI)
[7]Zhou,Y., T. Lin, et al. (2016)"Maintenance Optimisation of a Parallel-series System with Stochastic and Economic Dependence under Limited Maintenance Capacity."ReliabilityEngineering& System Safety. 155: 137–146. (SCI)
[8]Zhou, Y., T. Lin, et al. (2015)"An Effective Approach to Reducing Strategy Space for Maintenance Optimisation of Multistate Series-parallel Systems."Reliability Engineering& System Safety. 135: 40–53. (SCI)
[9]Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang (2015)"Optimal Maintenance of a Series Production System with Two Multi-component Subsystems and an Intermediate Buffer."Maintenance and Reliability. 17(2): 314–325. (SCI)
[10]Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2013) "Maintenance Optimisation of a Multi-state Series-parallel System Considering Economic Dependence and State-dependent Inspection Intervals." ReliabilityEngineering & System Safety. 111: 248–259. (SCI)
[11]Zhou, Y., Yong. Sun, et al. (2011) "Latent Degradation Indicators Estimation and Prediction: a Monte Carlo Approach." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25(1):222-236. (SCI)
[12]Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2011) "Maintenance Strategy Optimization Using a Continuous-state Partially Observable Semi-Markov Decision Process."Microelectronics Reliability 51(2):300-309. (SCI)
[13] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2009) "Asset Life Prediction Using Multiple Degradation Indicators and Failure Events: A Continuous State SpaceModel Approach."Maintenanceand Reliability 11(4): 72-81. (SCI)
[14]Zheng R, Zhou Y.(Corresponding author)(2022) "A dynamic inspection and replacement policy for a two-unit production system subject to interdependence." AppliedMathematicalModelling. 2022;103:221-37.(SCI)
[15]Zheng R, Zhou Y.(Corresponding author) (2021)"Comparison of three preventive maintenance warranty policies for products deteriorating with age and a time-varying covariate." Reliability Engineering & SystemSafety.2021;213.(SCI)
[16]Zheng R, ZhouY.(Corresponding author) (2021), Gu L,Zhang Z."Joint optimization of lot sizing and condition-based maintenance for a production system using the proportional hazards model." Computers & IndustrialEngineering.2021;154.(SCI)
[17]Zheng R, Zhou Y, ZhangY.(2020)"Optimal preventive maintenance for wind turbines considering the effects of wind speed." WindEnergy. 2020;23:1987-2003.(SCI)
[18]Guo Y., Ye F , Zhou Y., et al. (2020)"Fault diagnosis of multi-channel data in a forging process using the linear support higher-order tensor machine." InternationalJournal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2:1-13. (SCI)
[19]Ye F., Zhang Z , Zhou Y., et al. (2019)"Monitoring and diagnosis of multi-channel profile data based on uncorrelated multilinear discriminant analysis." International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology. 103(4). (SCI)
[20]Zhang, Z.,Y. Zhou, et al. (2012)."Condition-based Maintenance Optimisation without a Predetermined Strategy Structure for a Two-component Series System."Maintenanceand Reliability14(2): 120-129. (SCI)
[21]Gan, S., Z. Zhang,Y. Zhou, J. Shi. "Joint optimization of maintenance, buffer, and spare parts for a production system."Applied Mathematical Modelling,In Press. (SCI)
[22]Gan, S., Z. Zhang,Y. Zhou, J. Shi. (2013)"Intermediate Buffer Analysis for a Production System."Applied Mathematical Modelling,37, 8785–8795. (SCI)
[23]Zhang, Z., W. Gao,Y. Zhou and et al.(2012) "Reliability Modeling and Maintenance Optimization of the Diesel System in Locomotives."Maintenance and Reliability.14(4):302-311. (SCI)
Conference papers:
[1] Zheng R, Zhou Y, Zhang L.(2021)"Optimal Pricing Strategy for a Flexible Extended Warranty Policy." PHM-Nanjing 2021.(EI).
[2] Yu, C., Zhou, Y., et al. (2020)"Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Spare Parts Inventory Control. "PHM-Shanghai 2020 (EI).
[3] Li,B., Zhou, Y.,. (2020) "Multi-component Maintenance Optimization: an Approach combining Genetic Algorithm and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning." PHM-Shanghai 2020 (EI).
[4] Liu,L., Zhou, Y., et al. (2019) "Large-scale Maintenance Scheduling of Wind Turbines. " PHM-Qingdao 2019 (EI).
[5] YuanC , Zhou, Y., et al. (2019) "A Condition-Based Maintenance Policy for a Serial Flow Line with Multiple Intermediate Buffers." QR2MSE 2019 (EI)
[6] Miao J D , Zhou, Y., et al. (2018)"The Bio-Objective Long Term Maintenance Scheduling for Wind Turbines Considering Weather Conditions." PHM-Chongqing 2018 (EI).
[7] YanB , Zhou, Y., et al. (2018)" Condition Based Maintenance of the Yaw Motor in a Wind Turbine Using an Indirect Indicator: ACase Study. " PHM-Chongqing 2018 (EI).
[8] Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2013). "An Efficient maintenance Optimisation Method for Series-parallel Systems Using Stochastic Ordering and Revenue Difference Boundaries." ICQR2MSE 2013, IEEE (EI)
[9] Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2012)."Maintenance Optimisation of aSeries-parallel System with Multi-state Components Considering Economic Dependence. "ICQR2MSE 2012, IEEE (EI)
[10] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2010). "Maintenance decision-making usinga continuous-state partially observable semi-Markov decision process." PHM2010, IEEE (EI) (recommend as “best paper” by the IEEE-PHM conference)
[11] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2009). "Asset Life Prediction UsingMultiple Degradation Indicators and Lifetime Data: a Gamma-Based State SpaceModel Approach." ICRMS 2009, IEEE (EI) (recommend as “best paper” by theICRMS conference)
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
高维状态空间与策略空间的复杂系统维修优化(72071044) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2021年01月至2024年12月 | 负责人 | 48万 |
轨道交通自动门系统驱动电机BLDC加速寿命试验研究 | 江苏省重点实验室开放基金 | 2017年12月至2019年12月 | 负责人 | 10万 |
多单元制造系统维修和生产的分布式联合优化(71671041) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2017年01月至2020年12月 | 负责人 | 48万 |
考虑经济相关性和缓冲库存的串并联系统维修策略优化(71201025) | 国家自然科学基金青年基金 | 2012年01月至2015年12月 | 负责人 | 19万 |
基于DBN理论的多单元制造系统维修决策与库存控制的联合优化(20110092120007) | 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 | 2011年01月至2014年12月 | 负责人 | 4万 |
基于状态空间模型的轴承状态评价及寿命预测模型的研究(JSKLEDC201209) | 江苏省大型工程装备检测与控制重点建设实验室开放课题 | 2012年01月至2015年06月 | 负责人 | 2万 |
多重入制造系统质量控制建模关键技术研究(BK2011608) | 江苏省自然科技基金面上项目 | 2011年01月至2014年12月 | 第二负责人 | 10万 |
新型可编程控制器系统研发 | 企业横向课题 | 2012年01月至2013年06月 | 参与 | 60万 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 | ||
201510815962.7 | 应用改进的ALP算法优化并串联系统维修的方法 | 发明专利 | ||
201410117570.9 | 一种基于空间缩减多状态系统维修策略的优化方法 | 发明专利 | ||
201410009324.1 | 一种基于PLC编程中SFC到梯形图的转换方法 | 发明专利 |
周一帆,教授,博导/硕导,担任中国“双法”研究会工业工程分会常务理事,中国运筹学会可靠性分会理事,中国创造学会理事。担任IEEE PHM国际会议Arrangement Chair和多个国际会议Session chair。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目两项,国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,教育部博士点基金一项,江苏省重点实验室开放基金两项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,江苏省自然科学基金2项。发表论文SCI/EI检索论文40余篇,其中包括以第一作者/通讯作者在《Reliability Engineering and System Safety》,《Computers&Industrial Engineering》等期刊发表SCI论文16篇,其中JCR一区期刊论文12篇。
Journal papers:
[1]ZhouY, Liu L, Li H.(2022)"Reliability estimation and optimisation of multistate flow networks using a conditional Monte Carlo method." Reliability Engineering &System Safety.2022;221.(SCI)
[2]Zhou Y, Li B, Lin TR.(2022) "Maintenance optimisation of multi component systems using hierarchical coordinated reinforcement learning. " ReliabilityEngineering & System Safety. 2022;217. (SCI)
[3]Zhou Y, Miao J, Yan B, Zhang Z.(2021)"Stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem with time varying weather conditions and an improved estimation of distribution algorithm."Computers& Industrial Engineering. 2021;157.(SCI)
[4]Zhou Y., Miao J., et al. (2020)"Bio-objective long-term maintenance scheduling for wind turbines in multiple wind farms." Renewable Energy. 160.(SCI)
[5]Zhou Y., Yuan C, Lin TR, et al.(2020) "Maintenance policy structure investigation and optimisation of a complex production system with intermediate buffers." Journal of Risk and Reliability.2020:458.(SCI)
[6]Zhou Y., Guo Y., et al. (2018)"Maintenance optimisation of a series production system with intermediate buffers using a multi-agent FMDP". Reliability Engineering & SystemSafety. 180:39-48.(SCI)
[7]Zhou,Y., T. Lin, et al. (2016)"Maintenance Optimisation of a Parallel-series System with Stochastic and Economic Dependence under Limited Maintenance Capacity."ReliabilityEngineering& System Safety. 155: 137–146. (SCI)
[8]Zhou, Y., T. Lin, et al. (2015)"An Effective Approach to Reducing Strategy Space for Maintenance Optimisation of Multistate Series-parallel Systems."Reliability Engineering& System Safety. 135: 40–53. (SCI)
[9]Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang (2015)"Optimal Maintenance of a Series Production System with Two Multi-component Subsystems and an Intermediate Buffer."Maintenance and Reliability. 17(2): 314–325. (SCI)
[10]Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2013) "Maintenance Optimisation of a Multi-state Series-parallel System Considering Economic Dependence and State-dependent Inspection Intervals." ReliabilityEngineering & System Safety. 111: 248–259. (SCI)
[11]Zhou, Y., Yong. Sun, et al. (2011) "Latent Degradation Indicators Estimation and Prediction: a Monte Carlo Approach." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25(1):222-236. (SCI)
[12]Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2011) "Maintenance Strategy Optimization Using a Continuous-state Partially Observable Semi-Markov Decision Process."Microelectronics Reliability 51(2):300-309. (SCI)
[13] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2009) "Asset Life Prediction Using Multiple Degradation Indicators and Failure Events: A Continuous State SpaceModel Approach."Maintenanceand Reliability 11(4): 72-81. (SCI)
[14]Zheng R, Zhou Y.(Corresponding author)(2022) "A dynamic inspection and replacement policy for a two-unit production system subject to interdependence." AppliedMathematicalModelling. 2022;103:221-37.(SCI)
[15]Zheng R, Zhou Y.(Corresponding author) (2021)"Comparison of three preventive maintenance warranty policies for products deteriorating with age and a time-varying covariate." Reliability Engineering & SystemSafety.2021;213.(SCI)
[16]Zheng R, ZhouY.(Corresponding author) (2021), Gu L,Zhang Z."Joint optimization of lot sizing and condition-based maintenance for a production system using the proportional hazards model." Computers & IndustrialEngineering.2021;154.(SCI)
[17]Zheng R, Zhou Y, ZhangY.(2020)"Optimal preventive maintenance for wind turbines considering the effects of wind speed." WindEnergy. 2020;23:1987-2003.(SCI)
[18]Guo Y., Ye F , Zhou Y., et al. (2020)"Fault diagnosis of multi-channel data in a forging process using the linear support higher-order tensor machine." InternationalJournal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2:1-13. (SCI)
[19]Ye F., Zhang Z , Zhou Y., et al. (2019)"Monitoring and diagnosis of multi-channel profile data based on uncorrelated multilinear discriminant analysis." International Journal of AdvancedManufacturing Technology. 103(4). (SCI)
[20]Zhang, Z.,Y. Zhou, et al. (2012)."Condition-based Maintenance Optimisation without a Predetermined Strategy Structure for a Two-component Series System."Maintenanceand Reliability14(2): 120-129. (SCI)
[21]Gan, S., Z. Zhang,Y. Zhou, J. Shi. "Joint optimization of maintenance, buffer, and spare parts for a production system."Applied Mathematical Modelling,In Press. (SCI)
[22]Gan, S., Z. Zhang,Y. Zhou, J. Shi. (2013)"Intermediate Buffer Analysis for a Production System."Applied Mathematical Modelling,37, 8785–8795. (SCI)
[23]Zhang, Z., W. Gao,Y. Zhou and et al.(2012) "Reliability Modeling and Maintenance Optimization of the Diesel System in Locomotives."Maintenance and Reliability.14(4):302-311. (SCI)
Conference papers:
[1] Zheng R, Zhou Y, Zhang L.(2021)"Optimal Pricing Strategy for a Flexible Extended Warranty Policy." PHM-Nanjing 2021.(EI).
[2] Yu, C., Zhou, Y., et al. (2020)"Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Spare Parts Inventory Control. "PHM-Shanghai 2020 (EI).
[3] Li,B., Zhou, Y.,. (2020) "Multi-component Maintenance Optimization: an Approach combining Genetic Algorithm and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning." PHM-Shanghai 2020 (EI).
[4] Liu,L., Zhou, Y., et al. (2019) "Large-scale Maintenance Scheduling of Wind Turbines. " PHM-Qingdao 2019 (EI).
[5] YuanC , Zhou, Y., et al. (2019) "A Condition-Based Maintenance Policy for a Serial Flow Line with Multiple Intermediate Buffers." QR2MSE 2019 (EI)
[6] Miao J D , Zhou, Y., et al. (2018)"The Bio-Objective Long Term Maintenance Scheduling for Wind Turbines Considering Weather Conditions." PHM-Chongqing 2018 (EI).
[7] YanB , Zhou, Y., et al. (2018)" Condition Based Maintenance of the Yaw Motor in a Wind Turbine Using an Indirect Indicator: ACase Study. " PHM-Chongqing 2018 (EI).
[8] Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2013). "An Efficient maintenance Optimisation Method for Series-parallel Systems Using Stochastic Ordering and Revenue Difference Boundaries." ICQR2MSE 2013, IEEE (EI)
[9] Zhou, Y., Z. Zhang, et al. (2012)."Maintenance Optimisation of aSeries-parallel System with Multi-state Components Considering Economic Dependence. "ICQR2MSE 2012, IEEE (EI)
[10] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2010). "Maintenance decision-making usinga continuous-state partially observable semi-Markov decision process." PHM2010, IEEE (EI) (recommend as “best paper” by the IEEE-PHM conference)
[11] Zhou, Y., L. Ma, et al. (2009). "Asset Life Prediction UsingMultiple Degradation Indicators and Lifetime Data: a Gamma-Based State SpaceModel Approach." ICRMS 2009, IEEE (EI) (recommend as “best paper” by theICRMS conference)
IEEE PHM国际会议Arrangement Chair.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
高维状态空间与策略空间的复杂系统维修优化(72071044) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2021年01月至2024年12月 | 负责人 | 48万 |
轨道交通自动门系统驱动电机BLDC加速寿命试验研究 | 江苏省重点实验室开放基金 | 2017年12月至2019年12月 | 负责人 | 10万 |
多单元制造系统维修和生产的分布式联合优化(71671041) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2017年01月至2020年12月 | 负责人 | 48万 |
考虑经济相关性和缓冲库存的串并联系统维修策略优化(71201025) | 国家自然科学基金青年基金 | 2012年01月至2015年12月 | 负责人 | 19万 |
基于DBN理论的多单元制造系统维修决策与库存控制的联合优化(20110092120007) | 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金 | 2011年01月至2014年12月 | 负责人 | 4万 |
基于状态空间模型的轴承状态评价及寿命预测模型的研究(JSKLEDC201209) | 江苏省大型工程装备检测与控制重点建设实验室开放课题 | 2012年01月至2015年06月 | 负责人 | 2万 |
多重入制造系统质量控制建模关键技术研究(BK2011608) | 江苏省自然科技基金面上项目 | 2011年01月至2014年12月 | 第二负责人 | 10万 |
新型可编程控制器系统研发 | 企业横向课题 | 2012年01月至2013年06月 | 参与 | 60万 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 | ||
201510815962.7 | 应用改进的ALP算法优化并串联系统维修的方法 | 发明专利 | ||
201410117570.9 | 一种基于空间缩减多状态系统维修策略的优化方法 | 发明专利 | ||
201410009324.1 | 一种基于PLC编程中SFC到梯形图的转换方法 | 发明专利 |