主要从事高速飞行器结构轻量化设计、高速飞行器结构冲击防护以及航空发动机转子动力学等方面研究,主持国家自然科学基金、重点装备基础理论及关键技术攻关、两机专项课题等项目。近五年发表高水平SCI/EI论文50余篇,授权国家发明专利20余项,登记软件著作权8项,获江苏省科学技术一等奖等省部级科研奖励3项,中国仿真学会科学技术一等奖、中国仪器仪表学会科技进步一等奖等学会科技奖励3项。担任《无机材料学报(Journal of Inorganic Materials)》、《工程科学与技术》、《兵器装备工程学报》青年编委、《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》特聘编委,江苏省振动工程学会常务理事。
2018年07月—2021年03月 东南大学,机械工程学院,讲师、硕士生导师
2021年04月—至今 东南大学,机械工程学院,副教授(破格)、博士生导师
[1] Peifei Xu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Carbon, 2024, 219: 118782. (一区TOP,IF: 10.9)
[2] Rui Zhu, D Jiang, Stefano M, Dario A, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. AIAA J, 2023, 61(6), 2666-74. (美国航空航天学会主刊)
[3] Dahai Zhang, G Lu*, D Ruan, Qingguo Fei. IJMS, 2020, 171: 105403. (一区TOP, IF: 7.3)
[4] Dahai Zhang, G Lu*, D Ruan, Qingguo Fei*,Wenhui Duan. Materials & Design, 2019, 167: 10763.(一区TOP, IF: 9.4)
[5] Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei*, Dong Jiang,Yanbin Li. Composite Structures. 2018, 192:289-299. (一区TOP,IF: 6.3)
[1] Dahai Zhang, Rui Jing, Minxue Wang,Peifei Xu, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li, Qingguo Fei. Axial Crushing and EnergyAbsorption of Graded Hierarchical Hexagonal Tubes [J]. Mechanics of AdvancedMaterials and Structures, 2024.
[2] Peifei Xu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei. The performance transition of C/SiC composites induced byredistribution of residual stress [J]. Carbon, 2024, 219: 118782.
[3] 许志远,谭志勇,徐培飞,张大海*,费庆国. 含缺陷C/C-SiC缎纹编织复合材料的压缩损伤及失效机制[J]. 材料工程, 2024.
[4] 孙前杨,张培伟,张大海,柳友志,李彦杰,艾兴,费庆国. 航空发动机轮盘偏心孔和榫槽结构特征模拟件设计方法研究[J]. 工程力学, 2024.
[5] 吴军,徐培飞,荆瑞,张大海*,费庆国. SiC/SiC 复合材料层板低速冲击及其剩余强度试验研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2024, 39(1): 51-60.
[6] Junzeng He, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang*, Zhenhuan Tang, Qingguo Fei*. Model updating of rotor system based onthe adoptive Gaussian process model using unbalance response [J]. Journal ofSound and Vibration, 2024, 571:118006.
[7] Xueyang Miao, Junzeng He,Dahai Zhang*, Dong Jiang, Jian Li, Xing Ai, Qingguo Fei. Nonlinear response analysisof variable speed rotor system under maneuvering flight. [J] Journal ofMechanical Science and Technology, 2023: 1-15.
[8] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Stefano Marchesiello, Dario Anastasio, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Automatic nonlinear subspace identification usingclustering judgment based on similarity filtering [J]. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(6),2666-2674.
[9] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Zhixiang Huang, Lei Xie, DahaiZhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Full-fieldmodal identification using reliability-guided frequency-domainbased digitalimage correlation method based on multi-camera system [J]. Measurement, 2023, 211:112567.
[10] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Xiaochen Hang, DahaiZhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Usingnovel nonlinear subspace identification to identify airfoil-store system withnonlinearity [J].Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 142:108647.
[11] 万周,何俊增,姜东,李坚,张大海*基于参数优化SDP分析的转子故障诊断方法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(1): 81-88.
[12] Minxue Wang, DahaiZhang*. Numerical Simulation of Crushing and Energy Absorption of GradedHierarchical Honeycomb [J]. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2023,35: 270-278.
[13] Peifei Xu , Zhengong Zhou, Dahai Zhang , Peiwei Zhang , Yanbin Li , Qingguo Fei , The investigation on dynamicdamage evolution and energy absorption of FML pin joints with different plystacking sequences, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023,178:104594.
[14] Yusheng Wang, ZhixiangHuang, Pengfei Zhu, Rui Zhu, Tianci Hu, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang, Effects of compressed speckle image on digital imagecorrelation for vibration measurement [J]. Measurement, 2023, 217:113041.
[15] Liye Pei, Dahai Zhang*, Fujian Xu, Yu Lu, Xing Ai. A Model-Based Method for ImbalanceIdentification of Aero-Engine Rotor [C].Human-Centered Aerospace Systems and Sustainability Applications, Vol.98, 2023, 32–43.
[16] Dong Jiang, Hui Qian,Yusheng Wang, Jincheng Zheng, DahaiZhang, Qiyu Li. Data drivenprediction of fatigue residual stiffness of braided ceramic matrix compositesbased on Latent-ODE [J]. Composite Structures, 2023, 323:117504.
[17] Junzeng He, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang*, Jian Li, Qingguo Fei* Interval model validation for rotor supportsystem using Kmeans Bayesian method [J]. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,2022, 70: 103364.
[18] Mingyu Cai, Dahai Zhang*, Song Wu, Qingguo Fei. Numerical investigation on crashworthiness offiber braided composites subjected to oblique hypervelocity impact [C]. 2022IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications,2022, doi: 10.18178/wcse.2022.04.121.
[19] Chaobing Zhu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei. Impact characteristics and strength evaluation of aslender body obliquely entering water at high speed [C]. Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2338 (2022) 012024.
[20] Yongjie Xu, Yu Tian, Qiyu Li, Yanbin Li, DahaiZhang, Dong Jiang. Vibro-Impact Response Analysis of Collision with Clearance:A Tutorial [J]. Machines, 2022, 10(9), 814.
[21] Yongjie Xu, Jingze, Liu, Zhou Wan, Dahai Zhang,Dong Jiang. Rotor Fault Diagnosis Using Domain-Adversarial Neural Network withTime-Frequency Analysis [J]. Machines, 2022, 10(8), 610.
[22] Weicheng Huang, Dongze He, Yanbin Li, DahaiZhang, Huaiwu Zou, Hanwu Liu, Wenmiao Yang, Longhui Qin, Qingguo Fei.Nonlinear dynamic modeling of a tether-net system for space debris capture [J].Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022 Sep 3:1-9.
[23] Dong Jiang, Hui Qian, Yu Xu, Dahai Zhang, JinchengZheng. Residual strength of C/SiC composite after low-velocity impact[J].Materials Today Communications, 2022, 30:103140.
[24] Hui Qian, Yimeng Wu, Rui Zhu, Dahai Zhang,Dong Jiang. Modal Identification of Ultralow-Frequency Flexible StructuresBased on Digital Image Correlation Method [J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 185.
[25] Jincheng Zheng, Peiwei Zhang, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. A Multi-scale Submodel Method for FatigueAnalysis of Braided [J]. Materials, 2021, 14:4190.
[26] Binbin Wang, Jingze Liu, Zhifu Cao, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. A multiple andmulti-level substructure method for the dynamics of complex structures [J].Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(12): 5570.
[27] Yu Tian, Hui Qian, Zhifu Cao, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. Identification of Pre-Tightening TorqueDependent Parameters for Empirical Modeling of Bolted Joints [J]. AppliedSciences, 2021, 11: 9134.
[28] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei*, Shaoqing Wu, ZhenhuanTang, Dahai Zhang. Nonlinearvibration response of a complex aeroengine under the rubbing fault [J].Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 106: 1869-1890.
[29] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Shaoqing Wu, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. Dynamicresponse of curvilinearly stiffened plates under thermal environment [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021,35(6): 2359-2367.
[30] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Shaoqing Wu, ZhenhuanTang, Sanfeng Liao, Dahai Zhang. AnEfficient Dynamic Modeling Technique for a Central Tie Rod Rotor [J]. InternationalJournal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, 2021: 6618828.
[31] 徐伟文,张大海,王平,刘璟泽,费庆国,姜东. 转子挤压油膜阻尼器静偏心对减振效果的影响[J]. 振动与冲击,2021. 40 (21):55-61.
[32] 万周,刘璟泽,张大海,陈强,唐振寰,费庆国. 基于LSTM的航空发动机整机支承刚度识别方法[J]. 东南大学学报,2021. 51(4):672-678.
[33] 李坚,孟卫华,张大海,艾兴. 分层密度梯度蜂窝材料面内动态压缩及吸能特性[J]. 应用力学学报,2021. 38(6):146-152.
[34] DahaiZhang, Guoxing Lu, Dong Ruan, Qingguo Fei. EnergyAbsorption in the Axial Crushing of Hierarchical Circular Tubes [J].International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171: 105403.
[35] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Jingze Liu, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li.Crushing of vertex-based hierarchical honeycombs with triangular substructures [J].Thin-walled Structures, 2020, 146: 106436.
[36] Zhifu Cao, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang, Hui Jin, Rui, Zhu. Dynamicsensitivity-based finite element model updating for nonlinear structures usingtime-domain responses [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020,184: 105788.
[37] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang, Shaoqing Wu. Experimentaland numerical investigation on static and dynamic characteristics forcurvilinearly stiffened plates using DST-BK model [J]. International Journal ofMechanical Sciences, 2020, 169: 105286.
[38] Jingwei Yu, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang, Yanbin Li, Dahai Zhang, Fei Guo. An InnovativeYield Criterion Considering Strain Rates Based on Von Mises Stress.ASME-Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2020, 142: 014501-1.
[39] DahaiZhang, Guoxing Lu, Dong Ruan, Qingguo Fei, Wenhui Duan.Quasi-static combined compression-shear crushing of honeycombs: An experimentalstudy [J]. Materials & Design, 2019, 167: 107632.
[40] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li. Numerical andanalytical investigation on crushing of fractal-like hierarchical honeycombs[J]. Composite Structures. 2018, 192:289-299.
[41] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang. In-plane dynamic crushingbehavior and energy absorption of honeycombs with a novel type of multi-cells[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2017, 117: 199-210.
[42] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang. Drop-weight impactbehavior of honeycomb sandwich panels under a spherical impactor [J]. CompositeStructures, 2017, 168: 633-645.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
空天飞行器轻量化结构冲击防护关键技术研究 | 江苏省优青 | 2023-2026 | 主持 | 50万 |
XXX研究 | “两机专项”课题 | 2019-2024 | 主持 | 197.1万 |
XXX研究 | 重点装备基础理论课题 | 2023-2024 | 主持 | 55万 |
梯度分形层级蜂窝异面压缩行为及其吸能特性 | 国家自然科学基金青年项目 | 2021-2023 | 主持 | 24万 |
波浪中细长体高速出水冲击特性计算方法 | 装备发展部预研基金 | 2020-2021 | 主持 | 50万 |
新型自相似蜂窝力学特性和吸能机理 | 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目 | 2019-2022 | 主持 | 20万 |
空间在轨充气式柔性舱体超高速撞击防护性能 | 南京留学人员科技创新项目 | 2020-2021 | 主持 | 3万 |
东南大学至善青年学者 (B层次) | 人才项目 | 2020-2022 | 主持 | 20万 |
[1] 张大海,柳友志,费庆国,刘璟泽,何顶顶. 一种可调的自动对中宽板夹具. ZL201810926879.0. 国家发明专利(授权)
[2] 张大海,何俊增,刘璟泽,费庆国. 一种叶片倾角可调的碰摩装置. ZL202010022414.X. 国家发明专利(授权)
[3] 张大海,柳友志,费庆国,刘璟泽,何顶顶. 一种基于双轴拉伸试验的材料泊松比测量方法. ZL201810933222.7. 国家发明专利(授权)
主要从事高速飞行器结构轻量化设计、高速飞行器结构冲击防护以及航空发动机转子动力学等方面研究,主持国家自然科学基金、重点装备基础理论及关键技术攻关、两机专项课题等项目。近五年发表高水平SCI/EI论文50余篇,授权国家发明专利20余项,登记软件著作权8项,获江苏省科学技术一等奖等省部级科研奖励3项,中国仿真学会科学技术一等奖、中国仪器仪表学会科技进步一等奖等学会科技奖励3项。担任《无机材料学报(Journal of Inorganic Materials)》、《工程科学与技术》、《兵器装备工程学报》青年编委、《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》特聘编委,江苏省振动工程学会常务理事。
[1] Peifei Xu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Carbon, 2024, 219: 118782. (一区TOP,IF: 10.9)
[2] Rui Zhu, D Jiang, Stefano M, Dario A, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. AIAA J, 2023, 61(6), 2666-74. (美国航空航天学会主刊)
[3] Dahai Zhang, G Lu*, D Ruan, Qingguo Fei. IJMS, 2020, 171: 105403. (一区TOP, IF: 7.3)
[4] Dahai Zhang, G Lu*, D Ruan, Qingguo Fei*,Wenhui Duan. Materials & Design, 2019, 167: 10763.(一区TOP, IF: 9.4)
[5] Dahai Zhang, Qingguo Fei*, Dong Jiang,Yanbin Li. Composite Structures. 2018, 192:289-299. (一区TOP,IF: 6.3)
[1] Dahai Zhang, Rui Jing, Minxue Wang,Peifei Xu, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li, Qingguo Fei. Axial Crushing and EnergyAbsorption of Graded Hierarchical Hexagonal Tubes [J]. Mechanics of AdvancedMaterials and Structures, 2024.
[2] Peifei Xu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei. The performance transition of C/SiC composites induced byredistribution of residual stress [J]. Carbon, 2024, 219: 118782.
[3] 许志远,谭志勇,徐培飞,张大海*,费庆国. 含缺陷C/C-SiC缎纹编织复合材料的压缩损伤及失效机制[J]. 材料工程, 2024.
[4] 孙前杨,张培伟,张大海,柳友志,李彦杰,艾兴,费庆国. 航空发动机轮盘偏心孔和榫槽结构特征模拟件设计方法研究[J]. 工程力学, 2024.
[5] 吴军,徐培飞,荆瑞,张大海*,费庆国. SiC/SiC 复合材料层板低速冲击及其剩余强度试验研究[J]. 无机材料学报, 2024, 39(1): 51-60.
[6] Junzeng He, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang*, Zhenhuan Tang, Qingguo Fei*. Model updating of rotor system based onthe adoptive Gaussian process model using unbalance response [J]. Journal ofSound and Vibration, 2024, 571:118006.
[7] Xueyang Miao, Junzeng He,Dahai Zhang*, Dong Jiang, Jian Li, Xing Ai, Qingguo Fei. Nonlinear response analysisof variable speed rotor system under maneuvering flight. [J] Journal ofMechanical Science and Technology, 2023: 1-15.
[8] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Stefano Marchesiello, Dario Anastasio, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Automatic nonlinear subspace identification usingclustering judgment based on similarity filtering [J]. AIAA Journal, 2023, 61(6),2666-2674.
[9] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Zhixiang Huang, Lei Xie, DahaiZhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Full-fieldmodal identification using reliability-guided frequency-domainbased digitalimage correlation method based on multi-camera system [J]. Measurement, 2023, 211:112567.
[10] Rui Zhu, Dong Jiang,Xiaochen Hang, DahaiZhang*, Qingguo Fei*. Usingnovel nonlinear subspace identification to identify airfoil-store system withnonlinearity [J].Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 142:108647.
[11] 万周,何俊增,姜东,李坚,张大海*基于参数优化SDP分析的转子故障诊断方法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(1): 81-88.
[12] Minxue Wang, DahaiZhang*. Numerical Simulation of Crushing and Energy Absorption of GradedHierarchical Honeycomb [J]. Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2023,35: 270-278.
[13] Peifei Xu , Zhengong Zhou, Dahai Zhang , Peiwei Zhang , Yanbin Li , Qingguo Fei , The investigation on dynamicdamage evolution and energy absorption of FML pin joints with different plystacking sequences, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023,178:104594.
[14] Yusheng Wang, ZhixiangHuang, Pengfei Zhu, Rui Zhu, Tianci Hu, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang, Effects of compressed speckle image on digital imagecorrelation for vibration measurement [J]. Measurement, 2023, 217:113041.
[15] Liye Pei, Dahai Zhang*, Fujian Xu, Yu Lu, Xing Ai. A Model-Based Method for ImbalanceIdentification of Aero-Engine Rotor [C].Human-Centered Aerospace Systems and Sustainability Applications, Vol.98, 2023, 32–43.
[16] Dong Jiang, Hui Qian,Yusheng Wang, Jincheng Zheng, DahaiZhang, Qiyu Li. Data drivenprediction of fatigue residual stiffness of braided ceramic matrix compositesbased on Latent-ODE [J]. Composite Structures, 2023, 323:117504.
[17] Junzeng He, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang*, Jian Li, Qingguo Fei* Interval model validation for rotor supportsystem using Kmeans Bayesian method [J]. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics,2022, 70: 103364.
[18] Mingyu Cai, Dahai Zhang*, Song Wu, Qingguo Fei. Numerical investigation on crashworthiness offiber braided composites subjected to oblique hypervelocity impact [C]. 2022IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications,2022, doi: 10.18178/wcse.2022.04.121.
[19] Chaobing Zhu, Dahai Zhang*, Qingguo Fei. Impact characteristics and strength evaluation of aslender body obliquely entering water at high speed [C]. Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 2338 (2022) 012024.
[20] Yongjie Xu, Yu Tian, Qiyu Li, Yanbin Li, DahaiZhang, Dong Jiang. Vibro-Impact Response Analysis of Collision with Clearance:A Tutorial [J]. Machines, 2022, 10(9), 814.
[21] Yongjie Xu, Jingze, Liu, Zhou Wan, Dahai Zhang,Dong Jiang. Rotor Fault Diagnosis Using Domain-Adversarial Neural Network withTime-Frequency Analysis [J]. Machines, 2022, 10(8), 610.
[22] Weicheng Huang, Dongze He, Yanbin Li, DahaiZhang, Huaiwu Zou, Hanwu Liu, Wenmiao Yang, Longhui Qin, Qingguo Fei.Nonlinear dynamic modeling of a tether-net system for space debris capture [J].Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022 Sep 3:1-9.
[23] Dong Jiang, Hui Qian, Yu Xu, Dahai Zhang, JinchengZheng. Residual strength of C/SiC composite after low-velocity impact[J].Materials Today Communications, 2022, 30:103140.
[24] Hui Qian, Yimeng Wu, Rui Zhu, Dahai Zhang,Dong Jiang. Modal Identification of Ultralow-Frequency Flexible StructuresBased on Digital Image Correlation Method [J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 185.
[25] Jincheng Zheng, Peiwei Zhang, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. A Multi-scale Submodel Method for FatigueAnalysis of Braided [J]. Materials, 2021, 14:4190.
[26] Binbin Wang, Jingze Liu, Zhifu Cao, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. A multiple andmulti-level substructure method for the dynamics of complex structures [J].Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(12): 5570.
[27] Yu Tian, Hui Qian, Zhifu Cao, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. Identification of Pre-Tightening TorqueDependent Parameters for Empirical Modeling of Bolted Joints [J]. AppliedSciences, 2021, 11: 9134.
[28] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei*, Shaoqing Wu, ZhenhuanTang, Dahai Zhang. Nonlinearvibration response of a complex aeroengine under the rubbing fault [J].Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, 106: 1869-1890.
[29] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Shaoqing Wu, Dahai Zhang, Dong Jiang. Dynamicresponse of curvilinearly stiffened plates under thermal environment [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021,35(6): 2359-2367.
[30] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Shaoqing Wu, ZhenhuanTang, Sanfeng Liao, Dahai Zhang. AnEfficient Dynamic Modeling Technique for a Central Tie Rod Rotor [J]. InternationalJournal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, 2021: 6618828.
[31] 徐伟文,张大海,王平,刘璟泽,费庆国,姜东. 转子挤压油膜阻尼器静偏心对减振效果的影响[J]. 振动与冲击,2021. 40 (21):55-61.
[32] 万周,刘璟泽,张大海,陈强,唐振寰,费庆国. 基于LSTM的航空发动机整机支承刚度识别方法[J]. 东南大学学报,2021. 51(4):672-678.
[33] 李坚,孟卫华,张大海,艾兴. 分层密度梯度蜂窝材料面内动态压缩及吸能特性[J]. 应用力学学报,2021. 38(6):146-152.
[34] DahaiZhang, Guoxing Lu, Dong Ruan, Qingguo Fei. EnergyAbsorption in the Axial Crushing of Hierarchical Circular Tubes [J].International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171: 105403.
[35] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Jingze Liu, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li.Crushing of vertex-based hierarchical honeycombs with triangular substructures [J].Thin-walled Structures, 2020, 146: 106436.
[36] Zhifu Cao, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang, Hui Jin, Rui, Zhu. Dynamicsensitivity-based finite element model updating for nonlinear structures usingtime-domain responses [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020,184: 105788.
[37] Jingze Liu, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Dahai Zhang, Shaoqing Wu. Experimentaland numerical investigation on static and dynamic characteristics forcurvilinearly stiffened plates using DST-BK model [J]. International Journal ofMechanical Sciences, 2020, 169: 105286.
[38] Jingwei Yu, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang, Yanbin Li, Dahai Zhang, Fei Guo. An InnovativeYield Criterion Considering Strain Rates Based on Von Mises Stress.ASME-Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2020, 142: 014501-1.
[39] DahaiZhang, Guoxing Lu, Dong Ruan, Qingguo Fei, Wenhui Duan.Quasi-static combined compression-shear crushing of honeycombs: An experimentalstudy [J]. Materials & Design, 2019, 167: 107632.
[40] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Dong Jiang, Yanbin Li. Numerical andanalytical investigation on crushing of fractal-like hierarchical honeycombs[J]. Composite Structures. 2018, 192:289-299.
[41] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang. In-plane dynamic crushingbehavior and energy absorption of honeycombs with a novel type of multi-cells[J]. Thin-walled Structures, 2017, 117: 199-210.
[42] DahaiZhang, Qingguo Fei, Peiwei Zhang. Drop-weight impactbehavior of honeycomb sandwich panels under a spherical impactor [J]. CompositeStructures, 2017, 168: 633-645.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
空天飞行器轻量化结构冲击防护关键技术研究 | 江苏省优青 | 2023-2026 | 主持 | 50万 |
XXX研究 | “两机专项”课题 | 2019-2024 | 主持 | 197.1万 |
XXX研究 | 重点装备基础理论课题 | 2023-2024 | 主持 | 55万 |
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