
魏文鹏 Wenpeng Wei副教授硕士生导师

魏文鹏,哲学博士(Ph.D.),2021年8月毕业于密歇根州立大学工程学院,2023年4月加入开云手机在线登陆入口。围绕智能汽车理论研究与功能开发,主要从事智能底盘车辆动力学控制理论与应用技术、基于融合机理-数据的建模与控制技术等方面开展研究工作。近年来,在IEEE Transactions 系列、ASME Transactions 系列等国际高水平学术期刊累计发表论文10余篇,申请/授权中国、美国、国际PCT专利10余件;在ACC,IEEE/ASME AIM,IEEE CCTASAE International Innovation in Mobility等多个车辆、控制领域国际顶级学术会议做报告;担任IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等国际顶级期刊独立审稿人。



如有意向,请将以下材料: 1. 三页以内以 “姓名+个人介绍” 命名的PPT; 2. 成绩单发送至邮箱:weiwenpeng@seu.edu.cn, 邮件标题请注明:姓名 + 所在学校 + 感兴趣研究方向”。通过初筛的同学会在一周内收到邮件或电话回复。

Dr. Wenpeng, Wei obtained the Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University in Aug. 2021, and joined School of Mechanical Engieering, Southeast University in Apr. 2023. Aiming at the theoretical research and functional development of Intelligent Vehicles, his research mainly focused on: Intelligent Chassis, Vehicle Dynamics, Control Theory and Application, Integrated Physics-Data-based Techniques. Recently, he has plubished 10+ high-quality peer-reviewed research papers, applied for 10+ US/TCP patents and reported at worldwide academic conferences such as ACC, IEEE/ASME AIM, IEEE CCTA, SAE etc.. He is also a reviewer for multiple high-quality journals such as  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and so on.

Google Scholar Webpage :  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=O9BGHF0AAAAJ&hl=en

Dr. Wei welcomes applicants who are highly self-motivated with strong initiatives. Applicants should have background in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Deep Learning etc. with passionate in Autonomous Driving, Intelligent Vehicles or Control Theory. Students in the lab are encouraged to participate in International Affairs, which includes but not limited to participate in International Conferences, Short-term International Academic Visit, to be recommended for Ph.D. or Postdoc programs.

Interested applicants shall  prepare:1. a slide with no more than 3 pages entitled "Your Name + Introduction"; 2. Your Transcript, and send them to the following email address: weiwenpeng@seu.edu.cn. Please list following information as the theme of the email: "Your Name+Current Univeristy+Interested Research"; Potential applicants may be responded within one week either by phone or email.  


2021年5月 - 2023年2月,Stoneridge Inc., Sr. Algorithm Engineer

2023年4月 - 至今,东南大学机械学院,副教授



主要研究方向包括:1. 智能底盘:线控制动、主动安全;2. 车辆动力学:车辆纵向、横向动力学;3. 控制理论与应用技术:线性、非线性、自适应等控制理论,状态估计与参数识别;4. 基于融合机理-数据的建模与控制技术。

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Application

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems

IEEE IAS Publications 

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology



1.《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》(JCR Q1, IF 4.6)青年编委

2.《Vehicles》(JCR Q2, IF 2.2) Topical Advisory Panel

3. 机械工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录评审专家


Peer-reviewed Journal Papers (in Chronological Order):

[1] Wenpeng Wei, Weichao Zhuang, Qiang Gao, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Online Modeling of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics via Recursive Integrated Physics-Data-Based Method [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 9(2):3876-3844. (JCR Q1, IF: 14, Full Paper)

[2] Wenpeng Wei, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Physics-Informed Data-Based LPV Modeling and Validations of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 9(1):2459-2468. (JCR Q1, IF: 14, Full Paper)

[3] Wenpeng WeiHussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Transfer Case Clutch Torque Estimation using an Extended Kalman Filter with Unknown Input[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 27(5): 2580-2588. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.1, Full Paper)

[4] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Integrated Clutch Torque Control and Touchpoint Estimation Using Deadbeat Adaptive Backstepping[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022, 30(1): 368-375. (JCR Q2, IF: 4.9, Full Paper)

[5] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. VehicleTire Traction Torque Estimation using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter[J]. ASME.J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 2022, 144(3): 031004. (JCR Q4Full Paper)

[6] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Slip-Clutch Torque Estimation via Real-Time Adaptive Lookup Table[J]. ASME. Letters Dyn. Sys.Control. 2022, 2(2): 021003. (Full Paper)

[7] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Transfer Case Clutch Torque Modeling and Validation Under Slip and Overtaken Conditions[J]. ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 2021, 143(7): 071003. (JCR Q4, Full Paper)

[8] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein DourraGuoming Zhu. Adaptive Transfer Case Clutch Touchpoint Estimation with a Modified FrictionModel[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2020, 25(4): 2000-2008. (JCR Q1, IF; 6.1, Full Paper)

[9] Lingyun Hua, Wenpeng WeiHussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Minimal Energy Transient Motion Control of Electrical Connected Vehicles[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(4): 2116-2124. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.1, Full Paper)


Peer-reviewed Conference Papers:

[1] Wenpeng Wei, Tianyi He, Yifan Men, Jinxiang Wang, Lu, Xiong, Guodong Yin. Nonlinear Model Predictive  Clamping Force Control for Electromechanical Brake System [C]. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics(ICARM). Tokyo, Japan,  July, 2024: 1-6. (Accepted)

[2] Wenpeng Wei, Guodong Yin, Jinxiang Wang, Tianyi He. Moving-window Integrated Physics-Data-Based Modeling of Lateral Dynamics[C]. America Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, July, 2024:1-6. (Accepted)

[3] Wenpeng Wei, Zhaoyu Qiu, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Combined Longitudinal-Lateral Dynamic Modeling and Control via an Integrated Physics-Data-Based Approach[C]. IEEE Conference on Advanced Itelligent Machatronics, Boston, USA, July, 2024:1-6. (Accepted)

[4] Wenpeng Wei, Tianyi He, Anuj Pal. Real-time Clamping Force Estimation of Brake- by-Wire System for Electric Autonomous Vehicles[C]. American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023: 1018-1023. (Full Paper)

[5] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Deadbeat Adaptive Backstepping Design for Tracking Transfer Case Torque and Estimating its Clutch Touchpoint [C]. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. Montreal, Canada, 2020: 188-193. (Full Paper)

[6] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein DourraGuoming Zhu. Adaptive Transfer Case Clutch Touchpoint Estimation with a Modified FrictionModel[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2020, 25(4): 2000-2008. (IEEE Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Concurrent paper, Full Paper)




复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室 -- 东南大学主持2023.04-2025.05



  1. Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Method and System for Estimating Vehicle Traction Torque using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter: World Intellectual Property Organization, PCT. Application No.: 61353000, Filing Date: 2021.02.24.

  2. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Yifan Men; Troy Cooprider. Camera Mirror System for Commercial Vehicles Including Wheel Position Estimation: United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 18/080,031. Filing Date: 2022.12.13. (Utility Patent Application)

  3. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider. Dynamic Longitudinal and Lateral Adjustment of Awareness Lines for ommercial Vehicles Camera Mirror System. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/325,788. Filing Date: 2022.03.31. 

  4. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider, Banuprakash Murthy. Camera Monitor System Including Automatic Angular Adjustment for Commercial Vehicle Displays. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/330,460. Filing Date: 2022.04.13. 

  5. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Yifan Men; Troy Cooprider. Camera Monitor System for Commercial Vehicles Including Wheel Position Estimation (Quadratic Regression). United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/405,912, Filing Date: 2022.09.13. 

  6. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider. Camera Monitoring System Including Trailer Presence Detection Using Optical Flow. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/405,152, Filing Date: 2022.09.09. 

  7. Liang Ma; Wenpeng Wei, Troy Cooprider, Utkarsh Sharma. Trailer Backup Trajectory Overlay Using Trailer Camera Display System. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/426,391. Filing Date: 2022.11.18.

  8. Hussein Dourra, Wenpeng Wei, Guoming Zhu. Method and System for Estimating Clutch Surface Friction Parameters: World Intellectual Property Organization, PCT.  Application No.:63/050,250. Filing Date: 2020.07.10.

  9. Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu, Wenpeng Wei. Clutch Kiss Point Detection System: United States Patent and Trademark Office. PCT Application No.: 62/896,740, Filing Date: 2019.09.06.

  10. Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu, Wenpeng Wei. Method and System for Estimating Clutch Parameters: World Intellectual Property Organization. International Publication No.: WO 2021/046055 A1, Effective Date: 2021.03.11.

  11. Liang Ma, Utkarsh Sharma, Saif Imran, Mohammad Gudarzi, Nguyen Phan, Wenpeng Wei. Auto Panning Camera Monitoring System Including Image Based Trailer Angle Detection. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application NO.: 17/832,815. Filing Date: 2023.09.12. (Utility Patent Application, Granted)


  1. 魏文鹏, 殷国栋。一种基于物理启发的数据驱动车辆横向动力学建模方法[P]。发明专利:2023108865210, 2023.07。(实质审查)

魏文鹏 Wenpeng Wei 智能底盘,车辆动力学,控制理论,数据驱动
Personal Introduction

魏文鹏,哲学博士(Ph.D.),2021年8月毕业于密歇根州立大学工程学院,2023年4月加入开云手机在线登陆入口。围绕智能汽车理论研究与功能开发,主要从事智能底盘车辆动力学控制理论与应用技术、基于融合机理-数据的建模与控制技术等方面开展研究工作。近年来,在IEEE Transactions 系列、ASME Transactions 系列等国际高水平学术期刊累计发表论文10余篇,申请/授权中国、美国、国际PCT专利10余件;在ACC,IEEE/ASME AIM,IEEE CCTASAE International Innovation in Mobility等多个车辆、控制领域国际顶级学术会议做报告;担任IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等国际顶级期刊独立审稿人。



如有意向,请将以下材料: 1. 三页以内以 “姓名+个人介绍” 命名的PPT; 2. 成绩单发送至邮箱:weiwenpeng@seu.edu.cn, 邮件标题请注明:姓名 + 所在学校 + 感兴趣研究方向”。通过初筛的同学会在一周内收到邮件或电话回复。

Dr. Wenpeng, Wei obtained the Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University in Aug. 2021, and joined School of Mechanical Engieering, Southeast University in Apr. 2023. Aiming at the theoretical research and functional development of Intelligent Vehicles, his research mainly focused on: Intelligent Chassis, Vehicle Dynamics, Control Theory and Application, Integrated Physics-Data-based Techniques. Recently, he has plubished 10+ high-quality peer-reviewed research papers, applied for 10+ US/TCP patents and reported at worldwide academic conferences such as ACC, IEEE/ASME AIM, IEEE CCTA, SAE etc.. He is also a reviewer for multiple high-quality journals such as  IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and so on.

Google Scholar Webpage :  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=O9BGHF0AAAAJ&hl=en

Dr. Wei welcomes applicants who are highly self-motivated with strong initiatives. Applicants should have background in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Deep Learning etc. with passionate in Autonomous Driving, Intelligent Vehicles or Control Theory. Students in the lab are encouraged to participate in International Affairs, which includes but not limited to participate in International Conferences, Short-term International Academic Visit, to be recommended for Ph.D. or Postdoc programs.

Interested applicants shall  prepare:1. a slide with no more than 3 pages entitled "Your Name + Introduction"; 2. Your Transcript, and send them to the following email address: weiwenpeng@seu.edu.cn. Please list following information as the theme of the email: "Your Name+Current Univeristy+Interested Research"; Potential applicants may be responded within one week either by phone or email.  

Educational Background

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers (in Chronological Order):

[1] Wenpeng Wei, Weichao Zhuang, Qiang Gao, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Online Modeling of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics via Recursive Integrated Physics-Data-Based Method [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 9(2):3876-3844. (JCR Q1, IF: 14, Full Paper)

[2] Wenpeng Wei, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Physics-Informed Data-Based LPV Modeling and Validations of Lateral Vehicle Dynamics[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, 9(1):2459-2468. (JCR Q1, IF: 14, Full Paper)

[3] Wenpeng WeiHussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Transfer Case Clutch Torque Estimation using an Extended Kalman Filter with Unknown Input[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2022, 27(5): 2580-2588. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.1, Full Paper)

[4] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Integrated Clutch Torque Control and Touchpoint Estimation Using Deadbeat Adaptive Backstepping[J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022, 30(1): 368-375. (JCR Q2, IF: 4.9, Full Paper)

[5] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. VehicleTire Traction Torque Estimation using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter[J]. ASME.J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 2022, 144(3): 031004. (JCR Q4Full Paper)

[6] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Slip-Clutch Torque Estimation via Real-Time Adaptive Lookup Table[J]. ASME. Letters Dyn. Sys.Control. 2022, 2(2): 021003. (Full Paper)

[7] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Transfer Case Clutch Torque Modeling and Validation Under Slip and Overtaken Conditions[J]. ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, 2021, 143(7): 071003. (JCR Q4, Full Paper)

[8] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein DourraGuoming Zhu. Adaptive Transfer Case Clutch Touchpoint Estimation with a Modified FrictionModel[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2020, 25(4): 2000-2008. (JCR Q1, IF; 6.1, Full Paper)

[9] Lingyun Hua, Wenpeng WeiHussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Minimal Energy Transient Motion Control of Electrical Connected Vehicles[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(4): 2116-2124. (JCR Q1, IF: 6.1, Full Paper)


Peer-reviewed Conference Papers:

[1] Wenpeng Wei, Tianyi He, Yifan Men, Jinxiang Wang, Lu, Xiong, Guodong Yin. Nonlinear Model Predictive  Clamping Force Control for Electromechanical Brake System [C]. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics(ICARM). Tokyo, Japan,  July, 2024: 1-6. (Accepted)

[2] Wenpeng Wei, Guodong Yin, Jinxiang Wang, Tianyi He. Moving-window Integrated Physics-Data-Based Modeling of Lateral Dynamics[C]. America Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, Canada, July, 2024:1-6. (Accepted)

[3] Wenpeng Wei, Zhaoyu Qiu, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Guodong Yin, Tianyi He. Combined Longitudinal-Lateral Dynamic Modeling and Control via an Integrated Physics-Data-Based Approach[C]. IEEE Conference on Advanced Itelligent Machatronics, Boston, USA, July, 2024:1-6. (Accepted)

[4] Wenpeng Wei, Tianyi He, Anuj Pal. Real-time Clamping Force Estimation of Brake- by-Wire System for Electric Autonomous Vehicles[C]. American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023: 1018-1023. (Full Paper)

[5] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Deadbeat Adaptive Backstepping Design for Tracking Transfer Case Torque and Estimating its Clutch Touchpoint [C]. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. Montreal, Canada, 2020: 188-193. (Full Paper)

[6] Wenpeng Wei, Hussein DourraGuoming Zhu. Adaptive Transfer Case Clutch Touchpoint Estimation with a Modified FrictionModel[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2020, 25(4): 2000-2008. (IEEE Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Concurrent paper, Full Paper)

Professional Experience

1.《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》(JCR Q1, IF 4.6)青年编委

2.《Vehicles》(JCR Q2, IF 2.2) Topical Advisory Panel

3. 机械工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录评审专家




复杂工程系统测量与控制教育部重点实验室 -- 东南大学主持2023.04-2025.05

Research Interests


  1. Wenpeng Wei, Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu. Method and System for Estimating Vehicle Traction Torque using a Dual Extended Kalman Filter: World Intellectual Property Organization, PCT. Application No.: 61353000, Filing Date: 2021.02.24.

  2. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Yifan Men; Troy Cooprider. Camera Mirror System for Commercial Vehicles Including Wheel Position Estimation: United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 18/080,031. Filing Date: 2022.12.13. (Utility Patent Application)

  3. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider. Dynamic Longitudinal and Lateral Adjustment of Awareness Lines for ommercial Vehicles Camera Mirror System. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/325,788. Filing Date: 2022.03.31. 

  4. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider, Banuprakash Murthy. Camera Monitor System Including Automatic Angular Adjustment for Commercial Vehicle Displays. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/330,460. Filing Date: 2022.04.13. 

  5. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Yifan Men; Troy Cooprider. Camera Monitor System for Commercial Vehicles Including Wheel Position Estimation (Quadratic Regression). United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/405,912, Filing Date: 2022.09.13. 

  6. Wenpeng Wei, Liang Ma; Troy Cooprider. Camera Monitoring System Including Trailer Presence Detection Using Optical Flow. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/405,152, Filing Date: 2022.09.09. 

  7. Liang Ma; Wenpeng Wei, Troy Cooprider, Utkarsh Sharma. Trailer Backup Trajectory Overlay Using Trailer Camera Display System. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application No.: 63/426,391. Filing Date: 2022.11.18.

  8. Hussein Dourra, Wenpeng Wei, Guoming Zhu. Method and System for Estimating Clutch Surface Friction Parameters: World Intellectual Property Organization, PCT.  Application No.:63/050,250. Filing Date: 2020.07.10.

  9. Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu, Wenpeng Wei. Clutch Kiss Point Detection System: United States Patent and Trademark Office. PCT Application No.: 62/896,740, Filing Date: 2019.09.06.

  10. Hussein Dourra, Guoming Zhu, Wenpeng Wei. Method and System for Estimating Clutch Parameters: World Intellectual Property Organization. International Publication No.: WO 2021/046055 A1, Effective Date: 2021.03.11.

  11. Liang Ma, Utkarsh Sharma, Saif Imran, Mohammad Gudarzi, Nguyen Phan, Wenpeng Wei. Auto Panning Camera Monitoring System Including Image Based Trailer Angle Detection. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Application NO.: 17/832,815. Filing Date: 2023.09.12. (Utility Patent Application, Granted)


  1. 魏文鹏, 殷国栋。一种基于物理启发的数据驱动车辆横向动力学建模方法[P]。发明专利:2023108865210, 2023.07。(实质审查)

Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications