(1). 2001/4 - 至今,开云手机在线登陆入口,教授。 |
(2). 2002/4 - 2002/7,赴香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University),合作研究。 |
(3). 1996/4 - 1998/2,硕士毕业后在电子工业部第十四研究所工作,电子机械工程设计。 |
1.随机振动 |
2.动态信号分析与测试 |
3.机械制造工程学 |
4.几何精度设计 |
1.江苏省高校 “青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象; |
2.东南大学优秀青年教师科研资助计划。 |
代表作20篇。热弹性阻尼SCI论文10篇: [1] Yuming Fang(方玉明), Pu Li*(李普), Hongyue Zhou, WanliZuo, Thermoelastic damping in flexural vibration of bilayered microbeams withcircular cross-section, AppliedMathematical Modelling77 (2020)1129–1147. [2] Hongyue Zhou(周宏月), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Thermoelastic Dampingfor rectangular cross-sectional micro- and nano-ring resonators, International Journal of MechanicalSciences 163 (2019) 105132. [3] PuLi*(李普),Yuming Fang(方玉明), Jianrun Zhang,Thermoelastic damping in microrings with circular cross-section, Journal of Sound and Vibration 361(2016) 341-354. [4] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), RufuHu,Thermoelastic damping inrectangular and circular microplate resonators, Journal of sound and vibration 331 (2012) 721-733. [5]Pu Li*(李普),Rufu Hu, Thermoelastic damping in micromechanical resonators with a proof massand a network of suspension beams, JapaneseJournal of applied physics 50 (2011) 077202. [6] Wanli Zuo(左万里), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Jianrun Zhang, Thermoelastic dampingin asymmetric three-layered microbeam resonators, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEJournal of Applied Mechanics, June 2016, 83(6), 061002. [7] Wanli Zuo(左万里), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), JianrunZhang, Analytical modeling ofthermoelastic damping in bilayered microplate resonators, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 106 (2016) 128-137. [8] Yongpeng Tai(台永鹏), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Thermoelastic damping in torsion microresonatorswith coupling effect between torsion and bending, Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 1509-1525. [9] Yongpeng Tai(台永鹏), Pu Li*(李普), An analytical model for thermoelastic damping in microresonators basedon entropy generation, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, JUNE 2014, Vol. 136, 031012. [10] Wanli Zuo*(左万里), Pu Li(李普), Jianke Du, JiahanHuang, Thermoelastic damping in trilayered microplate resonators, International Journal of MechanicalSciences 151 (2019) 595-608. |
气体气体阻尼SCI论文10篇: [1] Cunhao Lu(陆存豪), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Analytical model of squeeze filmair damping of perforated plates in the free molecular regime, Microsystem Technologies (2019)25:1753-1761. [2] Cunhao Lu(陆存豪), Pu Li*(李普), Minhang Bao, Yuming Fang(方玉明), A generalized energy transfer modelfor squeeze-film air damping in the free molecular regime, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,28(2018) 085003. [3]Yuming Fang(方玉明), Pu Li*(李普), Fan Yang, Wanli Zuo, Squeeze-film damping of circularmicroplates vibrating in a tilting motion, Microfluidicsand Nanofluidics (2016) 20:152. [4] PuLi*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Haiqiang Wu, A numericalmolecular dynamics approach for squeeze-film damping of perforated MEMSstructures in the free molecular regime, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, (2014)17:759-772. [5] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Feifei Xu, Analytical modeling of squeeze-film damping forperforated circular microplates, Journalof Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 2688-2700. [6] PuLi*(李普), Rufu Hu, A model for squeeze-film damping of perforated MEMS devices in the freemolecular regime,Journal of Micromechanicsand Microengineering, 21 (2011) 025006. [7] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), A moleculardynamics simulation approach for the squeeze-film damping of MEMS devices inthe free molecular regime, Journal ofMicromechanics and Microengineering, 20 ( 2010) 035005. [8] Pu Li*(李普), Rufu Hu, Yuming Fang(方玉明), A new model for squeeze-film dampingsqueeze-film damping of electrically actuated microbeamunder the effect of a static deflection, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17 (2007)1242-1251. [9] Pu Li*(李普), Rufu Hu, On the airdamping of flexible microbeam in free space at the free-molecule regime, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,(2007) 3: 715-721. [10] PuLi*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), An Analytical Model forSqueeze-Film Damping of Perforated Torsional Microplates Resonators, Sensors, 2015, 15(4), 7388-7411.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
1.工程机械大扭矩轮毂驱动关键技术及应用示范 2.大努森数下具有穿孔谐振结构的MEMS器件挤压膜阻尼分子动力学机理 | 国家重点研发计划课题 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:51375091 | 2020/05 2014/01-2017/12 | 排名第二 排名第一 | 36万 80万 |
3.扭转式微机械谐振器件的扭转-弯曲耦合热弹性阻尼机理 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:51075072 | 2011/01-2013/12 | 排名第一 | 36万 |
4.低压下分布参数微机械谐振系统空气分子阻尼机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:50675034 | 2007/01-2009/12 | 排名第一 | 28万 |
5.电讯系统中硅微机械谐振器及滤波器的振动鲁棒控制 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,批准号:50305002 | 2004/01-2006/12 | 排名第一 | 24万 |
6.江苏省高校 “青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象 | 江苏省高校 “青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象 | 2010/12-2013/12 | 排名第一 | 6万 |
7.大努森数下微机械谐振器件的滑动膜分子阻尼模型 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目,批准号:BK2009286, | 2009.10~2011.9 | 排名第一 | 9万 |
8.振动系统鲁棒控制 | 东南大学优秀青年教师科研资助计划项目 | 2006.01~2008.12 | 排名第一 | 15万 |
9.芳纶1414纤维纺丝关键设备产业化 | 江苏省科技成果转化专项资金项目 | 2008/04-2010/12 | 排名第一 | 140万 |
10.基于μ综合鲁棒控制的4轮转向车辆瞬态操纵稳定性 | 国家自然科学基金重点项目 | 2002/01-2004/12 | 排名第二 (陈南第一) | 90万 |
11.基于THUNDER的复杂声场控制 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:50375027 | 2004/01-2006/12 | 排名第二 (陈南第一) | 24万 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
ZL 2008 1 0235048. 5 | 模态激励悬臂微梁及其模态形状电极的宽度确定方法 | 发明 |
ZL 2008 1 0235049. X | 模态激励两端固定微梁及其模态形状电极的宽度确定方法 | 发明 |
ZL 2007 2 0037415. 1 | 具有对硅微加工工艺误差不敏感的微机械滤波器 | 实用新型 |
ZL 2014 2 0000914.3 | 具有无热弹性阻尼结构扭转微机电谐振器件 | 实用新型 |
ZL 2014 2 0001856.6 | 一种低热弹性阻尼扭转式微机电谐振器件 | 实用新型 |
ZL201120010463.8 | 高粘度液体中气泡含量的低压声学检测装置 | 实用新型 |
ZL201010154506.x | 高速纺丝凝固喷丝装置的丝束通道 | 发明 |
ZL201010136921.2 | 真空组合脱泡装置 | 发明 |
代表作20篇。热弹性阻尼SCI论文10篇: [1] Yuming Fang(方玉明), Pu Li*(李普), Hongyue Zhou, WanliZuo, Thermoelastic damping in flexural vibration of bilayered microbeams withcircular cross-section, AppliedMathematical Modelling77 (2020)1129–1147. [2] Hongyue Zhou(周宏月), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Thermoelastic Dampingfor rectangular cross-sectional micro- and nano-ring resonators, International Journal of MechanicalSciences 163 (2019) 105132. [3] PuLi*(李普),Yuming Fang(方玉明), Jianrun Zhang,Thermoelastic damping in microrings with circular cross-section, Journal of Sound and Vibration 361(2016) 341-354. [4] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), RufuHu,Thermoelastic damping inrectangular and circular microplate resonators, Journal of sound and vibration 331 (2012) 721-733. [5]Pu Li*(李普),Rufu Hu, Thermoelastic damping in micromechanical resonators with a proof massand a network of suspension beams, JapaneseJournal of applied physics 50 (2011) 077202. [6] Wanli Zuo(左万里), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Jianrun Zhang, Thermoelastic dampingin asymmetric three-layered microbeam resonators, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEJournal of Applied Mechanics, June 2016, 83(6), 061002. [7] Wanli Zuo(左万里), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), JianrunZhang, Analytical modeling ofthermoelastic damping in bilayered microplate resonators, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 106 (2016) 128-137. [8] Yongpeng Tai(台永鹏), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Thermoelastic damping in torsion microresonatorswith coupling effect between torsion and bending, Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 1509-1525. [9] Yongpeng Tai(台永鹏), Pu Li*(李普), An analytical model for thermoelastic damping in microresonators basedon entropy generation, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, JUNE 2014, Vol. 136, 031012. [10] Wanli Zuo*(左万里), Pu Li(李普), Jianke Du, JiahanHuang, Thermoelastic damping in trilayered microplate resonators, International Journal of MechanicalSciences 151 (2019) 595-608. |
气体气体阻尼SCI论文10篇: [1] Cunhao Lu(陆存豪), Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Analytical model of squeeze filmair damping of perforated plates in the free molecular regime, Microsystem Technologies (2019)25:1753-1761. [2] Cunhao Lu(陆存豪), Pu Li*(李普), Minhang Bao, Yuming Fang(方玉明), A generalized energy transfer modelfor squeeze-film air damping in the free molecular regime, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,28(2018) 085003. [3]Yuming Fang(方玉明), Pu Li*(李普), Fan Yang, Wanli Zuo, Squeeze-film damping of circularmicroplates vibrating in a tilting motion, Microfluidicsand Nanofluidics (2016) 20:152. [4] PuLi*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Haiqiang Wu, A numericalmolecular dynamics approach for squeeze-film damping of perforated MEMSstructures in the free molecular regime, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, (2014)17:759-772. [5] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), Feifei Xu, Analytical modeling of squeeze-film damping forperforated circular microplates, Journalof Sound and Vibration 333 (2014) 2688-2700. [6] PuLi*(李普), Rufu Hu, A model for squeeze-film damping of perforated MEMS devices in the freemolecular regime,Journal of Micromechanicsand Microengineering, 21 (2011) 025006. [7] Pu Li*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), A moleculardynamics simulation approach for the squeeze-film damping of MEMS devices inthe free molecular regime, Journal ofMicromechanics and Microengineering, 20 ( 2010) 035005. [8] Pu Li*(李普), Rufu Hu, Yuming Fang(方玉明), A new model for squeeze-film dampingsqueeze-film damping of electrically actuated microbeamunder the effect of a static deflection, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17 (2007)1242-1251. [9] Pu Li*(李普), Rufu Hu, On the airdamping of flexible microbeam in free space at the free-molecule regime, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,(2007) 3: 715-721. [10] PuLi*(李普), Yuming Fang(方玉明), An Analytical Model forSqueeze-Film Damping of Perforated Torsional Microplates Resonators, Sensors, 2015, 15(4), 7388-7411.
项目名称 | 项目类别 | 项目时间 | 工作类别 | 项目金额 |
1.工程机械大扭矩轮毂驱动关键技术及应用示范 2.大努森数下具有穿孔谐振结构的MEMS器件挤压膜阻尼分子动力学机理 | 国家重点研发计划课题 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:51375091 | 2020/05 2014/01-2017/12 | 排名第二 排名第一 | 36万 80万 |
3.扭转式微机械谐振器件的扭转-弯曲耦合热弹性阻尼机理 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:51075072 | 2011/01-2013/12 | 排名第一 | 36万 |
4.低压下分布参数微机械谐振系统空气分子阻尼机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:50675034 | 2007/01-2009/12 | 排名第一 | 28万 |
5.电讯系统中硅微机械谐振器及滤波器的振动鲁棒控制 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,批准号:50305002 | 2004/01-2006/12 | 排名第一 | 24万 |
6.江苏省高校 “青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象 | 江苏省高校 “青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人培养对象 | 2010/12-2013/12 | 排名第一 | 6万 |
7.大努森数下微机械谐振器件的滑动膜分子阻尼模型 | 江苏省自然科学基金项目,批准号:BK2009286, | 2009.10~2011.9 | 排名第一 | 9万 |
8.振动系统鲁棒控制 | 东南大学优秀青年教师科研资助计划项目 | 2006.01~2008.12 | 排名第一 | 15万 |
9.芳纶1414纤维纺丝关键设备产业化 | 江苏省科技成果转化专项资金项目 | 2008/04-2010/12 | 排名第一 | 140万 |
10.基于μ综合鲁棒控制的4轮转向车辆瞬态操纵稳定性 | 国家自然科学基金重点项目 | 2002/01-2004/12 | 排名第二 (陈南第一) | 90万 |
11.基于THUNDER的复杂声场控制 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:50375027 | 2004/01-2006/12 | 排名第二 (陈南第一) | 24万 |
专利号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 |
ZL 2008 1 0235048. 5 | 模态激励悬臂微梁及其模态形状电极的宽度确定方法 | 发明 |
ZL 2008 1 0235049. X | 模态激励两端固定微梁及其模态形状电极的宽度确定方法 | 发明 |
ZL 2007 2 0037415. 1 | 具有对硅微加工工艺误差不敏感的微机械滤波器 | 实用新型 |
ZL 2014 2 0000914.3 | 具有无热弹性阻尼结构扭转微机电谐振器件 | 实用新型 |
ZL 2014 2 0001856.6 | 一种低热弹性阻尼扭转式微机电谐振器件 | 实用新型 |
ZL201120010463.8 | 高粘度液体中气泡含量的低压声学检测装置 | 实用新型 |
ZL201010154506.x | 高速纺丝凝固喷丝装置的丝束通道 | 发明 |
ZL201010136921.2 | 真空组合脱泡装置 | 发明 |