基本情况|Basic Information
李冰珏,副教授、硕导,2017年博士毕业于美国代顿大学机械与航空航天工程系,同年入职开云手机在线登陆入口。主持国自然青年基金等科研项目,参与国、省级项目3项,在Advanced Materials,Carbon, Soft Robotics, JMD, JMR等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,在ASME IDETC等学术会议发表论文5篇,授权发明专利2项。主持《机械制图》在线开放课程,获省微课竞赛三等奖、校微课竞赛一等奖、闽瑜奖教金、“优秀班主任”称号、代顿大学Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award等荣誉。
Bingjue Li is an associate professor and master's supervisor who earned her Ph.D. degree in 2017 from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Dayton. In the same year, she joined the Department of Mechanical Design at School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University. She has led research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists and has published more than 30 papers in SCI journals such as Advanced Materials, Carbon, Soft Robotics, JMD, and JMR. Additionally, she has presented 5 papers at international academic conferences such as ASME IDETC and holds 2 granted invention patents. Bingjue Li has received honors such as the third prize in Jiangsu provincial micro-lecture competition, the first prize in the university micro-lecture competition, the Minyu Teaching Award, the title of Outstanding Class Adviser, and the Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award from the University of Dayton.
Her professional focus is on kinematic mechanical design and theory. Currently, her main research interests include the design of various rigid-flexible-soft coupled morphing mechanisms (based on linkages, compliant mechanisms, tensergrity, origami, soft acuators, etc.) and outline-based morphometric methods (methods include shape-changing chain, discrete cosine transform, and epicycle Fourier analysis; applications include various scenarios involving morphological analysis such as medical image processing, biological sample classification, computer-generated imagery, etc.).
l 大一:参与课题组活动
l 大二~大三:开展各类学科竞赛、SRTP,可提前开展毕业设计
l 大四:毕业设计
l 报考硕士研究生:2024-2026每年均有1个卓越工程师专项名额(机械专硕可申请,与509所联合培养),另有0-2个普通计划名额(机械工程学硕或机械专硕),国际留学生名额不限。请发简历、成绩单、语言能力证书等材料至libj@seu.edu.cn联系。
l 硕士研究生学位论文:
Ø 周胜民,学硕,2021届,学位论文:基于轮廓拟合的生物样本形态测量学方法研究,毕业去向:成都OPPO/系统工程师
Ø 聂恒,学硕,2022届,学位论文:面向多类型曲线的拟合方法及其应用研究,毕业去向:深圳HW/数字化IT应用工程师
l 大学生创新创业训练项目(SRTP)&研学项目:
Ø 形状自适应3D打印喷嘴设计与研制(2025,校级)
Ø 基于折纸机构的充气式人体防护装置设计(2025,校级)
Ø 面向移动机器人的柔顺轮腿变换机构(2025)
Ø 可变形智能柔顺机翼的设计与研制(2025)
Ø 基于张拉整体结构的可重构轮式机器人(2024,【国家级】)
Ø 连杆式连续体行走机构设计(2023,校级重点)
Ø 定制化的可变形脊柱支撑装置设计(2023,校级)
Ø 基于可变形刚体链的三维曲面拟合方法及其应用研究(2022,校级)
Ø 一种模块化展开机构的设计与应用研究(2022,校级)
l 本科毕业设计:
Ø 弹性绳驱张拉变体机翼设计与研制(来鑫雨,2025届)
Ø 可展式索膜结构捕获机构设计【院优】(张天屹,2024届,南洋理工/读研)
Ø 基于电磁及热力耦合分析的高速永磁电机设计【校企合作课题】(苏文烨,2024届,东南大学/免试读研)
Ø 基于电磁力学及结构振动耦合分析的高速永磁电机设计【校企合作课题】(吴雨潇,2024届,湖大/读研)
Ø 基于动态圆形本轮的二维闭合曲线形态分析【院优】(陈乐彬,2023届,南洋理工/读研)
Ø 连续体行走机构设计及拓扑优化(胡学涛,2023届,西交/免试读研)
Ø 一种轮辐式可变形机构的设计方法研究【院优】(刘宏伟,2022届,上交/读研)
Ø 面向二维/三维曲线拟合的可变形链自动设计方法(沈金浩,2022届,西安618所/读研)
Ø 可变形刚体链的构型自动设计方法研究(张月松,2021届,中国航发(贵州)/技术员)
Ø 可变形凸轮机构设计(张磊,2021届,协议就业)
Ø 基于张拉整体的机翼设计(冯韵挥,2021届,宁波海天塑机/管培生)
Ø 基于静态等效线性链的质心定位研究(冷柏寒,2019届,上交/读研)
Ø 基于折纸术的小型无人机设计(朱永康,2018届,协议就业)
Ø 大幅度变形机翼设计(李孜轩,2018届,中国地质大学/读研)
Ø 可变形聚合物挤压模具的设计(付帝,2018届,东南大学/读研)
2023年4月至今 开云手机在线登陆入口 副教授
2016年12月-2023年4月 开云手机在线登陆入口 讲师
2024年9月至今 开云手机在线登陆入口 教学委员会委员(东蒙招生、研究生学位等)
2021年1月-2024年2月 开云手机在线登陆入口 研究生事务助理
1、2016年-2017年,工程力学(Engineering Mechanics,48学时)
2、2016年,电子电路学(Electrical and Electronic Circuits,48学时)
1、2015年,工程材料实验(Materials Laboratory)
1、2012年-2014年,计算机辅助绘图(Computational Graphics II)
2、2013年-2014年,计算方法(Computational Methods)
3、2012年-2016年,机械原理(Theory of Machines)
4、2014年,工程试验(Engineering Experimentation)
5、2012年-2014年,机械设计(Mechanical Design)
6、2015年,理论运动学(Theoretical Kinematics)
7、2013年、2016年,运动学设计原则(Kinematic Principles in Design)
8、2012年,运动学中的几何方法(Geometric Methods in Kinematics)
9、2014年,设计计算方法(Computational Methods for Design)
· 2022年东南大学第29届青年教师授课竞赛三等奖,《机械制图》
· 2021年开云手机在线登陆入口闵瑜校友奖励基金
· 2021年开云手机在线登陆入口优秀班主任
· 2019年江苏省高等学校微课教学比赛三等奖,《机械制图中利用辅助面法求两回转体表面交线》
· 2018年度东南大学微课教学比赛一等奖,《辅助面法求两回转体表面交线》
· 2016年代顿大学Graduate Student Showcase Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award
· 2015年代顿大学研究生暑期奖学金(Graduate Student Summer Fellowship),“Shape-changing extrusion dies”
· 2013年代顿大学研究生暑期奖学金,“Kinematic synthesis of variable-geometry dies for polymer extrusion”
· 2012年代顿大学研究生暑期奖学金,“Experimental validation of Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling”
Xiang Li, Lei Liu*, Peng Huang, Bingjue Li, Youqiang Xing, and Ze Wu, A highly adaptable soft pipeline robot for climbing outside millimeter-sized pipelines, Nano Energy, 2025, 134: 110566. [中科院一区, 影响因子16.8]
Jingwen He#, Peng Huang#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Ze Wu, and Lei Liu*, Bimodal photothermal-driven self-sustained oscillator based on MXene structure, Carbon, 2025, 233: 119878. [中科院一区, 影响因子10.5]
Jingwen He, Peng Huang, Bingjue Li, Youqiang Xing, Ze Wu, Tung‐Chun Lee, and Lei Liu*, Untethered soft robots based on 1D and 2D nanomaterials, Advanced Materials, 2025, 2413648. [中科院一区,影响因子27.4]
Xiang Li#, Ze Wu#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Peng Huang, and Lei Liu*, Selaginella Lepidophylla-inspired multi-stimulus cooperative control MXene-based flexible actuator, Soft Robotics, 2023, 10(5): 861-872. [中科院一区,影响因子7.784]
Jingwen He#, Ze Wu#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Peng Huang, and Lei Liu*, Multi-stimulus synergistic control soft actuators based on laterally heterogeneous MXene structure, Carbon, 2023, 202(1): 286-295. [中科院一区, 影响因子11.307]
Bingjue Li*, Shengmin Zhou, and Heng Nie, Surface representation and morphometric analysis based on discrete cosine transform, Evolutionary Biology, 49 (1), pp.102-122 (2022). [被正面引用于数学1区top期刊Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ]
Huiqin Li, Ze Wu, Youqiang Xing, Bingjue Li, and Lei Liu*, Photoelectric synergistic response properties of the Ti3C2Tx MXene-CNT/PDMS bilayer actuator, Nano Energy, 2022, 103(A): 107821. [中科院一区, 影响因子19.069]
Bingjue Li*, Chirality sorting using a structured caustic vector vortex field, Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 39 (6), pp.1676-1685 (2022). [获“编辑精选”(仅2篇) ]
Bingjue Li*, Shengmin Zhou, Andrew P. Murray, and Gerard Subsol, Shape-changing chains for morphometric analysis of 2D and 3D, open or closed outlines, Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.21497 (2021). [中科院二区,影响因子4.996]
Shengmin Zhou#, Bingjue Li#*, and Heng Nie, Parametric fitting and morphometric analysis of 3D open curves based on discrete cosine transform, Zoomorphology, 140(2), pp.301-314 (2021).
Bingjue Li*, David H. Myszka, and Andrew P. Murray, Design and experimental assessment of variable-geometry dies for polymer extrusion, Journal of Mechanical Design, 140 (1) (2018).
Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques in Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling for center of mass estimation, Journal of Mechanisms Robotics, 2015, 7(1), 011013.
[1] Heng Nie, Shengmin Zhou, and Bingjue Li*, Morphometric analysis of coronal craniosynostosis bones of facial cranium based on discrete cosine transform, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2021, pp. 77-82, doi: 10.1109/ICMA52036.2021.9512835.
[2] Shengmin Zhou and Bingjue Li*, Shape fitting and morphometric analysis of open curves based on discrete cosine transform, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp. 1511-1515, Oct. 13, 2020
[3] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, David H. Myszka, andGerard Subsol, Synthesizing planar rigid-body chains for morphometric applications, Proc. of the 2016 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Charlotte, NC, Aug. 21-24, 2016
[4] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Designing variable-geometry extrusion dies that utilize planar shape-changing rigid-body mechanisms, Proc. of the 2015 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, Aug. 2-5, 2015
[5] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques in Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling for center of mass estimation, Proc. of the 2014 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Buffalo, NY, Aug. 17-20, 2014
[1] Bingjue Li, Mathematical and mechanical methods for morphometric analysis of 2D and 3D, open or closed outlines, 2022 5th International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2022), Nov. 25-27, 2022. 特邀报告
[2] Bingjue Li, Andrew P. Murray, David H. Myszka, Gérard Subsol, 2D shape analysis of mandible outlines in fossil hominins utilizing synthesis techniques from planar mechanism design, The 6th International Symposium on Biological Shape Analysis (ISBSA), Nausicaa, Boulevard Sainte-Beuve, Boulogne sur mer, France, Jun. 25-28, 2019. 分会报告
[3] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques for center of mass estimation using Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling, Proc. of the 24th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Jun. 2-5, 2013. 分会报告
Variable-Geometry Dies for Polymer Extrusion, National Science Foundation, 骨干成员, 2012-2015
基本情况|Basic Information
李冰珏,副教授、硕导,2017年博士毕业于美国代顿大学机械与航空航天工程系,同年入职开云手机在线登陆入口。主持国自然青年基金等科研项目,参与国、省级项目3项,在Advanced Materials,Carbon, Soft Robotics, JMD, JMR等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,在ASME IDETC等学术会议发表论文5篇,授权发明专利2项。主持《机械制图》在线开放课程,获省微课竞赛三等奖、校微课竞赛一等奖、闽瑜奖教金、“优秀班主任”称号、代顿大学Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award等荣誉。
Bingjue Li is an associate professor and master's supervisor who earned her Ph.D. degree in 2017 from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of Dayton. In the same year, she joined the Department of Mechanical Design at School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University. She has led research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists and has published more than 30 papers in SCI journals such as Advanced Materials, Carbon, Soft Robotics, JMD, and JMR. Additionally, she has presented 5 papers at international academic conferences such as ASME IDETC and holds 2 granted invention patents. Bingjue Li has received honors such as the third prize in Jiangsu provincial micro-lecture competition, the first prize in the university micro-lecture competition, the Minyu Teaching Award, the title of Outstanding Class Adviser, and the Outstanding Ph.D. Research Award from the University of Dayton.
Her professional focus is on kinematic mechanical design and theory. Currently, her main research interests include the design of various rigid-flexible-soft coupled morphing mechanisms (based on linkages, compliant mechanisms, tensergrity, origami, soft acuators, etc.) and outline-based morphometric methods (methods include shape-changing chain, discrete cosine transform, and epicycle Fourier analysis; applications include various scenarios involving morphological analysis such as medical image processing, biological sample classification, computer-generated imagery, etc.).
l 大一:参与课题组活动
l 大二~大三:开展各类学科竞赛、SRTP,可提前开展毕业设计
l 大四:毕业设计
l 报考硕士研究生:2024-2026每年均有1个卓越工程师专项名额(机械专硕可申请,与509所联合培养),另有0-2个普通计划名额(机械工程学硕或机械专硕),国际留学生名额不限。请发简历、成绩单、语言能力证书等材料至libj@seu.edu.cn联系。
l 硕士研究生学位论文:
Ø 周胜民,学硕,2021届,学位论文:基于轮廓拟合的生物样本形态测量学方法研究,毕业去向:成都OPPO/系统工程师
Ø 聂恒,学硕,2022届,学位论文:面向多类型曲线的拟合方法及其应用研究,毕业去向:深圳HW/数字化IT应用工程师
l 大学生创新创业训练项目(SRTP)&研学项目:
Ø 形状自适应3D打印喷嘴设计与研制(2025,校级)
Ø 基于折纸机构的充气式人体防护装置设计(2025,校级)
Ø 面向移动机器人的柔顺轮腿变换机构(2025)
Ø 可变形智能柔顺机翼的设计与研制(2025)
Ø 基于张拉整体结构的可重构轮式机器人(2024,【国家级】)
Ø 连杆式连续体行走机构设计(2023,校级重点)
Ø 定制化的可变形脊柱支撑装置设计(2023,校级)
Ø 基于可变形刚体链的三维曲面拟合方法及其应用研究(2022,校级)
Ø 一种模块化展开机构的设计与应用研究(2022,校级)
l 本科毕业设计:
Ø 弹性绳驱张拉变体机翼设计与研制(来鑫雨,2025届)
Ø 可展式索膜结构捕获机构设计【院优】(张天屹,2024届,南洋理工/读研)
Ø 基于电磁及热力耦合分析的高速永磁电机设计【校企合作课题】(苏文烨,2024届,东南大学/免试读研)
Ø 基于电磁力学及结构振动耦合分析的高速永磁电机设计【校企合作课题】(吴雨潇,2024届,湖大/读研)
Ø 基于动态圆形本轮的二维闭合曲线形态分析【院优】(陈乐彬,2023届,南洋理工/读研)
Ø 连续体行走机构设计及拓扑优化(胡学涛,2023届,西交/免试读研)
Ø 一种轮辐式可变形机构的设计方法研究【院优】(刘宏伟,2022届,上交/读研)
Ø 面向二维/三维曲线拟合的可变形链自动设计方法(沈金浩,2022届,西安618所/读研)
Ø 可变形刚体链的构型自动设计方法研究(张月松,2021届,中国航发(贵州)/技术员)
Ø 可变形凸轮机构设计(张磊,2021届,协议就业)
Ø 基于张拉整体的机翼设计(冯韵挥,2021届,宁波海天塑机/管培生)
Ø 基于静态等效线性链的质心定位研究(冷柏寒,2019届,上交/读研)
Ø 基于折纸术的小型无人机设计(朱永康,2018届,协议就业)
Ø 大幅度变形机翼设计(李孜轩,2018届,中国地质大学/读研)
Ø 可变形聚合物挤压模具的设计(付帝,2018届,东南大学/读研)
Xiang Li, Lei Liu*, Peng Huang, Bingjue Li, Youqiang Xing, and Ze Wu, A highly adaptable soft pipeline robot for climbing outside millimeter-sized pipelines, Nano Energy, 2025, 134: 110566. [中科院一区, 影响因子16.8]
Jingwen He#, Peng Huang#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Ze Wu, and Lei Liu*, Bimodal photothermal-driven self-sustained oscillator based on MXene structure, Carbon, 2025, 233: 119878. [中科院一区, 影响因子10.5]
Jingwen He, Peng Huang, Bingjue Li, Youqiang Xing, Ze Wu, Tung‐Chun Lee, and Lei Liu*, Untethered soft robots based on 1D and 2D nanomaterials, Advanced Materials, 2025, 2413648. [中科院一区,影响因子27.4]
Xiang Li#, Ze Wu#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Peng Huang, and Lei Liu*, Selaginella Lepidophylla-inspired multi-stimulus cooperative control MXene-based flexible actuator, Soft Robotics, 2023, 10(5): 861-872. [中科院一区,影响因子7.784]
Jingwen He#, Ze Wu#, Bingjue Li#, Youqiang Xing, Peng Huang, and Lei Liu*, Multi-stimulus synergistic control soft actuators based on laterally heterogeneous MXene structure, Carbon, 2023, 202(1): 286-295. [中科院一区, 影响因子11.307]
Bingjue Li*, Shengmin Zhou, and Heng Nie, Surface representation and morphometric analysis based on discrete cosine transform, Evolutionary Biology, 49 (1), pp.102-122 (2022). [被正面引用于数学1区top期刊Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ]
Huiqin Li, Ze Wu, Youqiang Xing, Bingjue Li, and Lei Liu*, Photoelectric synergistic response properties of the Ti3C2Tx MXene-CNT/PDMS bilayer actuator, Nano Energy, 2022, 103(A): 107821. [中科院一区, 影响因子19.069]
Bingjue Li*, Chirality sorting using a structured caustic vector vortex field, Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 39 (6), pp.1676-1685 (2022). [获“编辑精选”(仅2篇) ]
Bingjue Li*, Shengmin Zhou, Andrew P. Murray, and Gerard Subsol, Shape-changing chains for morphometric analysis of 2D and 3D, open or closed outlines, Scientific Reports, 11(1), pp.21497 (2021). [中科院二区,影响因子4.996]
Shengmin Zhou#, Bingjue Li#*, and Heng Nie, Parametric fitting and morphometric analysis of 3D open curves based on discrete cosine transform, Zoomorphology, 140(2), pp.301-314 (2021).
Bingjue Li*, David H. Myszka, and Andrew P. Murray, Design and experimental assessment of variable-geometry dies for polymer extrusion, Journal of Mechanical Design, 140 (1) (2018).
Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques in Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling for center of mass estimation, Journal of Mechanisms Robotics, 2015, 7(1), 011013.
[1] Heng Nie, Shengmin Zhou, and Bingjue Li*, Morphometric analysis of coronal craniosynostosis bones of facial cranium based on discrete cosine transform, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2021, pp. 77-82, doi: 10.1109/ICMA52036.2021.9512835.
[2] Shengmin Zhou and Bingjue Li*, Shape fitting and morphometric analysis of open curves based on discrete cosine transform, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), pp. 1511-1515, Oct. 13, 2020
[3] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, David H. Myszka, andGerard Subsol, Synthesizing planar rigid-body chains for morphometric applications, Proc. of the 2016 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Charlotte, NC, Aug. 21-24, 2016
[4] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Designing variable-geometry extrusion dies that utilize planar shape-changing rigid-body mechanisms, Proc. of the 2015 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Boston, MA, Aug. 2-5, 2015
[5] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques in Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling for center of mass estimation, Proc. of the 2014 ASME International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences, Buffalo, NY, Aug. 17-20, 2014
[1] Bingjue Li, Mathematical and mechanical methods for morphometric analysis of 2D and 3D, open or closed outlines, 2022 5th International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2022), Nov. 25-27, 2022. 特邀报告
[2] Bingjue Li, Andrew P. Murray, David H. Myszka, Gérard Subsol, 2D shape analysis of mandible outlines in fossil hominins utilizing synthesis techniques from planar mechanism design, The 6th International Symposium on Biological Shape Analysis (ISBSA), Nausicaa, Boulevard Sainte-Beuve, Boulogne sur mer, France, Jun. 25-28, 2019. 分会报告
[3] Bingjue Li*, Andrew P. Murray, and David H. Myszka, Improving techniques for center of mass estimation using Statically Equivalent Serial Chain modeling, Proc. of the 24th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Jun. 2-5, 2013. 分会报告
Variable-Geometry Dies for Polymer Extrusion, National Science Foundation, 骨干成员, 2012-2015