“百年机械、智造未来”大师论坛第二十一场:陈海寿教授——Meta-analysis of the effects of game types and devices on older adults-video game interaction: Implications for video game training on cognition



    陈海寿,香港城市大学工学院系统工程副教授,前香港职业安全健康局主席,太平绅士,在2022年获香港特别行政区政府颁授“铜紫荆星章”,是香港工程师学会、美国工业及系统工程学会、英国特许人类工效学会及国际人类工效学协会资深专家和会员,被评为2022年“斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家”,研究领域主要包括:人因工程、工业设计和职业安全健康管理。研究成果发表于Accident Analysis & Prevention,Human Factors,Ergonomics,Applied Ergonomics, Analytic Methods in Accident Research,Journal of Safety Research,Safety Science,Frontiers in Psychology, Internet Research等知名国际期刊,已发表SCI论文240余篇, 现担任International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics主编,Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries副主编。


    Video game training can effectively improve the cognition of older adults. However, whether video game types and game devices influence the training effects of video games remains controversial. This meta-analysis aimed to access and evaluate the effects of video game types and game devices in video game training on the cognition of older adults. Interestingly, results indicated that mouse/keyboard was superior over other video game devices on perceptual–motor function. The effect size (Hedge’s g) for perceptual–motor function decreased by 1.777 and 1.722 when the video game training device changed from mouse/keyboard to driving simulator and motion controller. The effects of cognitive training game and conventional video game were moderated by session length. More well-designed studies are required to clarify the unique efficacy of video game types and devices for older adults with video game training.

讲座时间:20231016日 14:30GMT+08:00

讲座地点: 东南大学机械楼南高厅
