Dr Boli Chen obtained his PhD degree in Control Systems from Imperial College London, UK in 2016. He is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London, where he is associated with the Sensors Systems and Circuits research group and the UCL Robotics Institute. His research focuses on control, optimisation and estimation of complex dynamical systems, with applications focusing on the automotive, transportation and electric energy systems. He currently leads the Distributed and scalable control to support resilient and flexible coordination of connected and autonomous ground vehicles project funded by the Royal Society. Additionally, he holds positions as an associate editor for European Journal of Control and the EUCA Conference Editorial Board.
Autonomous driving technology pledges safety, convenience, and energy efficiency. Vehicle connectivity has also been maturing in the past decades to further improve safety, performance, and enable vehicle cooperation. Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to disrupt mobility, extending what is possible with driving automation and connectivity alone. Applications include eco-mobility control and planning, routing with micro-scale traffic information, and coordinated platooning using traffic signals information. This talk will address some of these aspects from control and planning perspectives, starting from single CAV to the cooperative CAV control scenarios, also illustrating how the different scales can efficiently coexist in an advanced vehicular traffic control system. This will be done paying a particular attention to electric mobility, which is destined to become the dominant mobility paradigm in the next decades.
讲座时间:2023年8月12日 15:30(GMT+08:00)
讲座地点: 东南大学机械楼第一会议室327