One Position for Research Assistant



This individual will have three major duties:

1) Fly husbandry and maintenance to supportfaculty of the laboratory;

2) Perform mesoscopic and macroscopic numerical modelingand simulations;

3) Perform general numerical and experimentalsupport duties and tasks.


1) Knowledge of numerical and experimentalplanning, design and execution;

2) Programming course completed or proficiency inC/C++, LaTex and GnuPlot;

3) Strong written and verbal communication skills,CET6 score 600+ or TOEFL 100;

4) Experience working in student clubs/associationsis a plus, but not required;

5) Ability to work with a diverse group of peoplewith vastly different skills and training;

6) Ability to work independently, andsystematically trouble shoot complex experiments;

7) Excellent applicant will be granted specialadmission, not limited by technical skills;

8) Undergraduate student in School of MechanicalEngineering, Southeast University.

Recruiting Start:

2018-09-30, 09:00

Time Type:

Part time

Weekly Hours:

1) 16.0 hours.

2) Staying at the laboratory is encouraged butnot mandatory.

3) Working hours include active hours atlaboratory and dormitory.

Research Team:

Meso Science Laboratory,School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University

Laboratory Statement:

Meso Science Laboratory (MSL) is focusing onnumerical modeling of microstructure evolution with the aim of extractingreliable, rigorous and useful predictions for interesting scientific problems. Weare also interested in modeling of complex fluids with the kinetic theory-basedmethods. The research assistants will be granted to entrance the lab, and financiallysupported in scientific researches and numerical studies. They are also supportedto attend conferences to promote their academic maturity and professionalism.


Please note that in order to be considered anapplicant for the position, you must submit required documents for which youbelieve you are qualified. Please provide the documents including a coverletter and resume to Dr./Prof. Dongke Sun:

Still HaveQuestions?

If you have any questions you may contactDr./Prof. Dongke Sun: