

Applied Thermal Measurements at the Nanoscale

A Beginner's Guide to Electrothermal Methods

Author: Zhen Chen (Southeast University, China)

ChrisDames (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

PublicationDate: September 2018


Publisher: World Scientific

Description: This book aims to serve as apractical guide for novices to design and conduct measurements of thermalproperties at the nanoscale using electrothermal techniques. An outgrowth ofthe authors’ tutorials for new graduate students in their own labs, it includespractical details on measurement design and selection, sensitivity anduncertainty analysis, and pitfalls and verifications. The information isparticularly helpful for someone setting up their own experiment for the firsttime.

The book emphasizes the integration of thermal analysis with practicalexperimental considerations, in order to design an experiment for bestsensitivity and to configure the laboratory instruments accordingly. The focusis on the measurements of thermal conductivity, though thermal diffusivity andthermal boundary resistance (thermal contact resistance) are also brieflycovered, and many of the principles can be generalized to other challengingthermal measurements.

The reader is only expected to have the basic familiarity withelectrical instruments typical of a university graduate in science orengineering, and an acquaintance with the elementary laws of heat transfer byconduction, convection, and radiation.


购书链接Buy this book: https://doi.org/10.1142/11009


作者简介陈震,教授,中组部国家人才计划第十二批获得者2018年江苏省双创人才计划专家。现阶段研究兴趣主要包括:1)基本能量载子(声子、电子、光子、分子)在纳米尺度下的传输、存储、转化机理;2)纳米材料、纳米器件在新能源、生物医疗等相关产业中的实际应用。主要成果分别发表在了Nature Communications, Nature Nanotechnology, Nano Letters, Physical Review BApplied Physics Letters等国际著名期刊上,文章SCI他引超过2000次(Google Scholar),并被Nature News, Science Daily等国际著名媒体多次特别报道。